Carter Takes A Train
Carter Takes A Train
My workflow method and equipment is almost embarrassingly simple. I record everything using my looper (EHX 9500) with micro SD Card. Minimal but highly effective post production took place at Stephen Scott's small but perfectly formed Home Studio.
Many many years ago a Producer that I was working with was of the opinion that there broadly speaking are two main ways of going about recording: you either tried getting as much a possible 'right' before hitting 'Record' or you used the studio as a creative tool (a kind of 'fix it in the mix approach') of course it’s a spectrum …
I work in the ‘get it right first’ manner and then start building my improvised loops. ‘Planned Accidents’ is in a way a live album.
My ‘Toys’ are individually relatively inexpensive and a list is below.
Recent additions Genelec Monitoring
Eventide Black Hole Reverb (Immense)
Waldorf Blofeld (a thing of beauty)
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